Batemans Bay to Merimbula road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Batemans Bay to Merimbula road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Batemans Bay to Merimbula road trip stops: Bodalla and Narooma

The Bodalla Dairy Shed just outside Bodalla is worth a stop, however. There are free cheese and ice cream tastings here, although you’ll inevitably want to buy afterwards.

In Narooma, activities include whale-watching, snorkelling with seals and Montague Island tours. Montague Island Adventures offers all three.

You can also explore using an e-bike rental.

Narooma accommodation picks include the Amooran Oceanside Apartments,  the cheaper Top of the Town Motor Inn and the family-friendly Surf Beach Narooma Holiday Park.

Click through to the next section: Narooma to Merimbula.