Cobar to Broken Hill road trip: Distance, driving time & best stops

Cobar to Broken Hill road trip: Distance, driving time & best stops

The Cobar to Broken Hill road trip is a dry, dusty and empty one with few fuel stops. Go along the Barrier Highway and the Cobar to Broken Hill drive is 457km long, with a 4h45m driving time.

The Cobar to Broken Hill drive along the Barrier Highway is one of Australia’s epic road trips. It’ll be usually be undertaken as part of a bigger journey – say Sydney to Broken Hill or Brisbane to Adelaide. But this drive is all about the sense of scale in vast, dusty New South Wales outback.

To secure the best Cobar accommodation deals, head here.

To secure the best Broken Hill accommodation before arriving, sort it here.

Road trip essentials that many travellers forget

Search on the web, and you’ll find ludicrously long lists of equipment to take on a road trip. Australia Travel Questions isn’t going to do that to you. But it is worth buying the following road trip items before setting off. Click through for a good range of options.

Cobar to Broken Hill distance and driving time

The Cobar to Broken Hill drive is 457km in distance, with an estimated driving time of around four hours and 45 minutes.

Cobar accommodation recommendations

The best places to stay in Cobar are:

Obviously, that’s a long stint behind the wheel, so the temptation will be to break the journey somewhere.

Cobar's welcome sign greets visitors to this Outback NSW town
Cobar’s welcome sign greets visitors to this Outback NSW town. Photo courtesy of Destination NSW.

Cobar to Broken Hill fuel stops

You’ll need to manage your fuel on the Cobar to Broken Hill drive. There are three possible fuel stops between Cobar and Broken Hill, however. Take your pick from the Emmdale Roadhouse, Wilcannia and the Little Topar Roadhouse.

Cobar to Broken Hill road trip stops

Alas, the top attraction on the Cobar to Broken Hill route is only a few minutes out of Cobar. Mount Grenfell National Park hosts a wealth of Aboriginal rock art. A 4km loop walking track takes you to the summit for some spectacular views, calling at rock art sites on the way.


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The main settlement between Cobar and Broken Hill is Wilcannia, which has some heritage buildings to admire, but is in a sorry state. Wilcannia has been notably hard-hit by drought. The Queens Head Hotel is the top road trip attraction here. This delicensed pub has been turned into a gallery and accommodation.

Click through to the next section: Via White Cliffs.