Brisbane to Roma road trip: Distance, driving time & attractions

Brisbane to Roma road trip: Distance, driving time & attractions

The Brisbane to Roma drive is 479km in distance, meaning the Brisbane to Roma driving time is 5h21m. Road trip attractions include the Toowoomba Botanic Gardens, Jimbour House in Dalby and Chinaman’s Lagoon near Miles.

A Brisbane to Roma road trip takes you from Queensland’s biggest city, through the fertile Darling Downs region and to the cusp of the outback in Roma. It’s a drive best broken down into three sections – Brisbane to Toowoomba, Toowoomba to Dalby and Toowoomba to Roma.

Brisbane to Roma distance and driving time

The full Brisbane to Roma distance is 479km, making for a Brisbane to Roma driving time of five hours and 21 minutes. That’s a lot quicker than the Roma to Brisbane train, by the way.

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On the way out of Brisbane, on the Brisbane to Toowoomba leg of the journey, you’ll pass near the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha and the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Fig Tree Pocket.

The route joins the Warrego Highway north of Ipswich. But you can take short-ish detours to the Kholo Botanic Gardens, Lake Wivenhoe, the Lockyer State Forest or historic town Laidley.

Brisbane to Roma road trip attractions: Toowoomba and Dalby

The most likely journey break, however, is Toowoomba – one of Australia’s largest inland cities. Top attractions in Toowoomba include the Botanic Gardens in Queens Park. You can also try steam train tours at the DownsSteam railway museum and the National Carriage Collection at the Cobb & Co Museum.

Toowoomba accommodation possibilities include the roomy apartments of Oaks Toowoomba and the Athena Motel, which has a pool.

The next leg of the Brisbane to Roma drive – from Toowoomba to Dalby – is pretty dull. The Australian Army Flying Museum in Kelvinhaugh provides a fairly mediocre reason to get off the Warrego Highway.

The best things to do in Dalby include visiting Jimbour House and Pioneer Park Museum.

Options for an overnight stay in Dalby include the pool-equipped Dalby Manor Motor Inn and the budget-friendly Dalby Tourist Park.

Jimbour House near Dalby, Queensland
Jimbour House near Dalby, Queensland. Photo courtesy of T&GWSBT.

Click through to the next section: Warrego Highway to Roma.