Brisbane to Rockhampton road trip: Distance, driving time & stops

Brisbane to Rockhampton road trip: Distance, driving time & stops

Top stops on a Brisbane to Rockhampton road trip include the Glass House Mountains, Fraser Island and Childers. The distance from Brisbane to Rockhampton is 632km, with a driving time of around 7h47m.

A Brisbane to Rockhampton road trip passes several highlights of Queensland, including the Sunshine Coast and Fraser Island. Alas, most of the top attractions are away from the Bruce Highway, which forms the quickest route between the two cities.

Rockhampton offers fascinating history walks and cave tours. To source the best Rockhampton accommodation deals, go here.

Brisbane to Rockhampton distance and driving time

The distance from Brisbane to Rockhampton by car is 632km. This makes for a driving time of around seven hours and 47 minutes.

6 supreme Brisbane day trips that will improve your holiday

Heading north from the Queensland capital, the Brisbane to Rockhampton drive passes Burpengary and Caboolture. There are lovely views from the Wild Horse Mountain scenic lookout, but you’re better off with a slight detour towards Mount Ngungun and Mount Tibrogargan in the Glass House Mountains and Australia Zoo.

Brisbane to Rockhampton road trip: Sunshine Coast attractions

The Brisbane to Rockhampton road trip then continues through the Sunshine Coast region. Those with time should divert to the beach towns, such as Caloundra, Mooloolaba and Noosa.

Sticking close to the highway, however, there’s still a fair amount to see. Top attractions include the Aussie World theme park near Caloundra and Buderim Falls in Buderim.

Yoga at Buderim Falls in the Buderim Forest Park, Sunshine Coast
Instead of swimming at Buderim Falls in the Buderim Forest Park, you could always try yoga… Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.

Further north, Yandina brings up Asian cooking classes at Spirit House, walking trails on Mount Ninderry, a tasting experience at the Ginger Factory and a photogenic swim at Wappa Falls.

The Yandina Markets are also here, but the Eumundi Markets to the north are bigger and more enjoyable.

Click through for the next section: Gympie and Maryborough.