Brisbane to Mackay road trip: Distance, driving time & stops

Brisbane to Mackay road trip: Distance, driving time & stops

The best stops on a Brisbane to Mackay road trip include the Glass House Mountains, Fraser Island and Yeppoon. The distance from Brisbane to Mackay is 968km, with a driving time of around 11h2m.

A Brisbane to Mackay road trip can string together several highlights of Queensland, including the Sunshine Coast and Fraser Island. Unfortunately, many of the top attractions are away from the Bruce Highway, which is the quickest driving route between the two cities.

Mackay is home to an excellent value Whitsunday Islands cruise which includes snorkelling equipment and paddleboards. To choose from the best Mackay tours and experiences, head this way. To select the right Mackay accommodation for you, book here.

The best thing to do in Mackay is a snorkelling cruise around the South Cumberland Islands.

Brisbane to Mackay distance and driving time

The distance from Brisbane to Mackay by car is 968km. This makes for a driving time of around eleven hours and two minutes.

6 supreme Brisbane day trips that will improve your holiday

Departing north from Brisbane, the Brisbane to Mackay drive passes Burpengary and Caboolture. The cracking views from the Wild Horse Mountain scenic lookout are next to the highway, but a short detour towards Mount Ngungun and Mount Tibrogargan in the Glass House Mountains is more rewarding. Australia Zoo is also nearby.

Mount Tibrogargan in the Glasshouse Mountains National Park, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Mount Tibrogargan sticks out in the Glasshouse Mountains National Park. Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland

Click for the next section: Sunshine Coast attractions worth stopping for.