Port Hedland to Broome road trip: Distance, driving time and fuel stops

Port Hedland to Broome road trip: Distance, driving time and fuel stops

The Port Hedland to Broome drive in Western Australia is 604km long, with a driving time of around 6h6m. The best road trip stops on the way are Cape Keraudren, Eighty Mile Beach and Eco Beach.

The Port Hedland to Broome drive is one of the longest and most laborious legs of the drive up Australia’s west coast. It’s worth it when you get there, though.

To dig out the best value Port Hedland accommodation, search here.

Broome offers trips to natural wonder Horizontal Falls, glorious sunset cruises, camel rides, mud-crabbing experiences and dinosaur adventure tours. For a full range of fascinating Broome experiences and activity options, head this way. For Broome accommodation, book here.

Otherwise, keep reading for the road trip guide.

9 great Broome experiences to book today

If you’re driving from Perth to Broome, this Port Hedland to Broome leg feels more like a contractual obligation than a joyous chance to explore Western Australia. There are, however, a few stops along the way where you can break up the monotony.

Port Hedland to Broome distance and driving time

The Port Hedland to Broome drive is 604km long, which makes for a driving time of around six hours and six minutes. It’s not unmanageable in a day, but you’re going to need a few snack and toilet stops along the way.

Best 5 Broome day trips to book in advance

The problem is that there aren’t many options. First up is the Pardoo Roadhouse, 144km from Port Hedland. This is also where you turn off for Cape Keraudren, a lovely spot for fishing and crabbing on the Indian Ocean.

Cape Keraudren in the Pilbara, Western Australia
Cape Keraudren in the Pilbara, Western Australia. Photo courtesy of Tourism Western Australia.

Click through to the next section: Eighty Mile Beach.