Domestic flight times in Australia

Australian driving times and distances can be really, really long. Hence most Australians travel around the country on domestic flights run by the likes of Qantas and Virgin Australia, rather than endure the hell of a long-distance bus journey with Greyhound or Premier Bus. Combine flights with tours, and you don’t need a hire car for an Australian holiday.

This page is an index for all the domestic flight routes covered on Australia Travel Questions. The flight time next to the route is the scheduled time from take off to landing provided by the airlines. When more than one airline flies the direct route, the quickest time has been used.

qantas plane
Qantas is one of the world’s most respected airlines. But it came from humble beginnings in outback Queensland.

Adelaide to Alice Springs: 2h05m

Adelaide to Cairns: 3h

Adelaide to Ceduna: 1h30m

Adelaide to Kingscote: 40m.

Brisbane to Bundaberg: 55m

Brisbane to Canberra: 1h45m

Brisbane to Darwin: 4h05m

Brisbane to Hamilton Island: 1h30m

Brisbane to Mackay: 1h35m

Brisbane to Melbourne: 2h25m

Brisbane to Sydney: 1h35m

Broome to Melbourne: 4h35m

Broome to Sydney: 5h

Canberra to Adelaide: 1h50m

Darwin to Groote Eylandt: 1h35m

Melbourne to Cairns: 3h20m

Melbourne to Exmouth: 4h55m

Melbourne to Gold Coast: 2h

Melbourne to Launceston: 1h5m

Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast: 2h10m

Perth to Adelaide: 2h45m

Perth to Exmouth: 2h

Perth to Geraldton: 1h

Perth to Kalgoorlie: 1h5m

Perth to Shark Bay: 2h.

Perth to Sydney: 4h.

Sydney to Darwin: 4h25m.

Sydney to Gold Coast: 1h20m.

Sydney to Hobart: 1h55m.

Sydney to Mildura: 2h15m.