Port Augusta to Ceduna: Distance, drive time & road trip stops

Port Augusta to Ceduna: Distance, drive time & road trip stops

The Port Augusta to Ceduna drive is 468km in distance, with a driving time of 4h55m. The best road trip stops include the Halfway Across Australia sign in Kimba and the Gawler Ranges from Wudinna.

The drive from Port Augusta to Ceduna is not the most exciting journey in the world. In most cases, it’ll simply require bombing along the Eyre Highway at the top of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula. But if you’re doing a road trip to Perth – be it Adelaide to Perth, Melbourne to Perth or Sydney to Perth – the Port Augusta to Ceduna leg is an essential part of it. Ceduna is the last stop of any real size before crossing the Nullarbor into Western Australia.

To fix up your Port Augusta accommodation at the cheapest rates, look over here.

To look for the best Ceduna accommodation, book here.

It is wise to book your Ceduna accommodation in advance. Check out the best deals here

Port Augusta to Ceduna distance and driving time

The drive from Port Augusta to Ceduna is 468km in distance, with a Port Augusta to Ceduna driving time of four hours and 55 minutes.

There aren’t many conventional tourist attractions along the way. You can, however, see the big mines at Iron Knob and get your photo taken under the Halfway Across Australia sign in Kimba.

The Halfway Across Australia sign in Kimba, South Australia.
The Halfway Across Australia sign in Kimba, South Australia. It isn’t halfway across Australia, of course. Photo by David Whitley/ Australia Travel Questions

Port Augusta to Ceduna road trip: Gawler Ranges

If you’re taking your time about the Port Augusta to Ceduna drive, however, the best detour you can make is into the rumpled Gawler Ranges.

Gawler Ranges Wilderness Safaris runs day tours from Wudinna. If you’re shorter on time, the wave-like Pildappa Rock makes for a quicker diversion.

Port Augusta to Ceduna via the Birdseye Highway

A more interesting way of doing the Port Augusta to Ceduna drive is to go along the Birdseye Highway. This crosses the middle of the Eyre Peninsula. It also allows you to fit in a few more interesting spots along the way. Options include taking a tour of the Whyalla Steelworks in Whyalla. You can also get some quality beach time at Cowell and Streaky Bay, and swim with Australian sea lions at Baird Bay.

Go via the Birdseye Highway, and the Port Augusta to Ceduna drive is 596km long. The driving time via the Birdseye Highway is around six hours and 19 minutes.

Ceduna accommodation tips

Ceduna is a logical place for an overnight stay whether you’ve just crossed the Nullarbor or are about to. You can search for places to stay in Ceduna here.

However, the following are the best options:

Port Augusta accommodation picks

Port Augusta accommodation tends towards the functional. Few people stay here more than one night. Booking site Wotif lists options for from $89, if you’d like to check what’s available.

However, these Port Augusta accommodation choices are particularly worth looking at:

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