Brisbane to 1770 road trip: Distance, driving time & best stops

Brisbane to 1770 road trip: Distance, driving time & best stops

The best stops on a Brisbane to 1770 road trip include the Glass House Mountains, Fraser Island and Bundaberg. The distance from Brisbane to 1770 is 487km, with a driving time of around 5h41m.

A Brisbane to 1770 road trip takes you from the Queensland capital to the first town level with the Great Barrier Reef. The twin towns of Agnes Water and 1770 are rapidly becoming popular holiday spots. They’re also a fantastic place to stop for a day or two on the way north from Brisbane to Airlie Beach.

However, there are also several good spots to stop at along the way. You can turn the Brisbane to 1770 drive into a road trip spanning several days – especially if you’re prepared to venture off the Bruce Highway.

What to book in 1770/ Agnes Water before you arrive

Brisbane to 1770 distance and driving time

The distance from Brisbane to 1770 by car is 487km. This makes for a driving time of around five hours and 41 minutes.

Leaving Brisbane to the north, the Brisbane to 1770 drive passes underwhelming Burpengary and Caboolture.

6 supreme Brisbane day trips that will improve your holiday

Just north of Caboolture, the Wild Horse Mountain scenic lookout next to the highway offers fabulous views. But you’ll get more rewards taking a short detour towards Mount Ngungun and Mount Tibrogargan in the Glass House Mountains. Australia Zoo is also near if you fancy a visit to Steve Irwin’s Zoo.

Mount Tibrogargan in the Glasshouse Mountains National Park, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Mount Tibrogargan sticks out in the Glasshouse Mountains National Park. Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland

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