Geraldton to Coral Bay road trip: Distance, driving time & best stops

Geraldton to Coral Bay road trip: Distance, driving time & best stops

Attractions between Geraldton and Coral Bay: Carnarvon

The next leg, from Monkey Mia to Coral Bay, involves backtracking towards Hamelin Pool, then continuing north to Carnarvon

At the mouth of the Gascoyne River, this is the biggest town for a long way in any direction. Things to in Carnarvon include the Gwoonwardu Mia Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, which delves into local Indigenous beliefs and practices.

Attractions elsewhere in Carnarvon include the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum and surrounding banana plantations.

Should you choose to break the Geraldton to Coral Bay road trip with an overnight stay here, there are several Carnarvon accommodation options.

Carnarvon accommodation picks

Accommodation in Carnarvon, WA, costs from around $126 a night. Wotif has a good selection of options.

The following Carnarvon accommodation is particularly worth looking at:

Click through for next section: North from Carnarvon.