Newcastle to Byron Bay road trip: Distance, drive time & best stops

Newcastle to Byron Bay road trip: Distance, drive time & best stops

Newcastle to Byron Bay drive: Pacific Highway towards Taree

On the highway, Bulahdelah Mountain offers several walks plus Aboriginal tree carvings in the Worimi Cultural Area.

The route then lurches west, through the northern section of Myall Lakes National Park. You’ll almost certainly encounter native wildlife on the walk from the O’Sullivans Gap Picnic Area.

Before reaching Taree, you can go wine-tasting at Great Lakes Paddocks, visit the National Motorcycle Museum in Nabiac and check out the mountain bike trails of Khappinghat National Park, known for its mountain biking trails, just before the turn off for Taree.

Best Taree accommodation

Taree accommodation is available for from $105 per night. But the best choices are…

The Dawson River walking track and scenic flights are among the best things to do in Taree.

The Taree Heritage Walk in Taree, NSW
The Taree Heritage Walk in Taree, NSW. Photo courtesy of Destination NSW.

Next section: Crowdy Bay and Port Macquarie.