Abu Dhabi Heritage Village: Location, opening hours & entry fee
The Abu Dhabi Heritage Village is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Abu Dhabi. It’s gives a chance to explore the emirate’s history and traditions.
What is the Abu Dhabi Heritage Village?
The Abu Dhabi Heritage Village is a museum-like attraction in Abu Dhabi, showcasing the emirate’s past and traditions. Its current official name is the frankly awful Emirates Heritage Club Heritage Village.
Inside, you’ll find a recreating souk, mosque and camp. There are also ancient artefacts on display, while you can watch traditional crafts being made.
Photos at the Abu Dhabi Heritage Village
The photos inside the Abu Dhabi Heritage Village are likely to provoke a double take. They show a tiny, fledgling town coming off a distinct second best to the surrounding sand. The contrast to what can be seen outside in the real world – glamorous, shining towers lining the marina and the Corniche, reaching for both the sky and the future – is startling. And it is especially so once you realise that the photos were only taken in the 1960s.
What has been created in Abu Dhabi since that time has been a fascinating experiment carried out on a blank canvas. Landmark, showcase architecture – such as the leaning Capital Gate building or the mirage dream that is the Emirates Palace hotel – is the most immediately obvious result.
Where is the Abu Dhabi Heritage Village?
The Abu Dhabi Heritage Village is on the Corniche Breakwater in Abu Dhabi. It is next to the Marina Mall.
Abu Dhabi Heritage Village opening hours
The Abu Dhabi Heritage Village is open from 9am to 4pm, six days of the week. However, on Fridays it is open from 7.30am to 12 noon, then again from 3.30pm to 9pm.
Abu Dhabi Heritage Village entry price
There is no entry fee for the Abu Dhabi Heritage Village. It is free to enter. The Abu Dhabi Heritage Village is one of the best things to do in Abu Dhabi on an Abu Dhabi stopover.