Broken Hill to Port Augusta road trip: Distance, time & best stops
The Broken Hill to Port Augusta drive is 413km long, with a driving time of 4h38m. The best road trip attraction along the way is the Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre in Peterborough, South Australia.
The drive from Broken Hill to Port Augusta is an important link in a cross-continental road trip. If you’re going from Brisbane to Perth by car, or Sydney to Perth via the Broken Hill route, this leg of the journey is an inevitability.
To fix up your Port Augusta accommodation at the cheapest rates, look over here.
To secure the best Broken Hill accommodation before arriving, sort it here.
Broken Hill to Port Augusta distance and driving time
The Broken Hill to Port Augusta drive is 413km long, with a driving time of around four hours and 38 minutes. You’re obviously going to need to stop somewhere for at least a toilet break on the way, but there aren’t many road trip attractions to grab the attention.
From Broken Hill, it’s pure outback as you drive along the Barrier Highway across the South Australian border. There’s a roadhouse at Yunta, 197km into the drive. But you’re arguably better waiting until Peterborough. This outback town is on the B56, shortly after you branch off the Barrier Highway after Oodla Wirra.
Next section: Peterborough, South Australia.