Kalgoorlie to Perth road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Kalgoorlie to Perth drive: Mundaring Weir and CY O’Connor
In the finishing straight, however, there are a couple of spots worth a road adding to the road trip itinerary. Along the drive from Kalgoorlie to Perth is a constant companion – a long pipeline by the side of the road. It’s part of the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, an extraordinary project that allows Kalgoorlie to be so big.
The project, piping water all the way from the Perth Hills via a series of pumping stations, was the work of engineer CY O’Connor. It was phenomenally expensive and ambitious late in the 19th century, but brought a steady supply of water to Perth and a steady supply of gold to Kalgoorlie.

Lake O’Connor, the artificial lake created by Mundaring Weir, is a beautiful sight. The No. 1 Pumping Station nearby has displays on CY O’Connor’s story and is run by the National Trust. The Golden Pipeline website maps out the other key points on the water’s journey from Mundaring to Kalgoorlie. Nearby is the Karakamia Sanctuary in Chidlow, which protects critically endangered native wildlife and runs twilight walking tours.
Next up: Alternative transport and things to do in Perth