Mallacoota to Eden: Distance, driving time and road trip stops
The Mallacoota to Eden drive is 89km in distance, with a driving time of around 1h3m. Good road trip stops include Genoa Falls and Ben Boyd National Park.
On a coastal road trip from Melbourne to Sydney, the Mallacoota to Eden leg connects the last town in Victoria to the first town in New South Wales.
It’s a relatively short, scenic drive through hilly, forested terrain, and there are a couple of detours you might want to take before arriving in Eden.
To pick out the best Mallacoota accommodation in advance, book here.
For Eden accommodation, search through the options here.
Mallacoota to Eden distance and driving time
The distance from Mallacoota to Eden by car is 85km. You can expect a driving time of around one hour and three minutes.
Make the very best of your time: 8 Sapphire Coast experiences to book
- Dolphins, seals and seabirds cruise from Merimbula.
- Pambula River kayaking tour.
- Sapphire Coast private highlights tour.
- Oyster-shucking experience plus kayaking in Pambula.
- Eden and Beowa National Park photography tours.
- Potoroo Palace wildlife park tickets.
- Guided nature walking tour in Mimosa Rocks National Park.
- Reef fishing charter from Merimbula.
First up, you need to get back to the Princes Highway from Mallacoota. The Mallacoota-Genoa Road will take you there. If you’ve got time for a leisurely road trip itinerary, you might be tempted to break off for the Double Creek Nature Walk or kayaking and kangaroos at Gipsy Point.
Mallacoota to Eden road trip stops: Genoa Falls and Maramingo Creek
Once at the Princes Highway, if you feel like doubling back slightly to Genoa, you can take in Genoa Falls.
After Genoa, it’s a whole lot of green space until you reach Eden. Just before the New South Wales border, there’s the Maramingo Creek Nature Conservation Reserve. But things get prettier over the border after you cross the Wallagaraugh River.
Click through to the next section: National Parks.