Merriwa to Dubbo drive: Distance, time & road trip stops
The Merriwa to Dubbo drive covers a 194km distance in a driving time of around two hours and two minutes. The best stops to add to a road trip itinerary are Goulburn River National Park and Dunedoo.
The Merriwa to Dubbo drive passes through lots of largely underwhelming rural New South Wales. You might come this way if driving from Newcastle to Dubbo.
For Merriwa accommodation deals, look over here.
Dubbo is best known for the Taronga Western Plains Zoo, where you can stay overnight and do safari-style tours. To find good quality Dubbo accommodation that suits your tastes, explore the options here.
This guide should help you plan your perfect Merriwa to Dubbo road trip itinerary.
Click through on the individual places and attractions for more detailed, specific information.
If you need to hire a car, find the best rental deals. And don’t forget to do all your pre-road trip shopping.
Merriwa to Dubbo distance and driving time
By car, the distance from Merriwa to Dubbo is 194km. That makes for a driving time of around two hours and two minutes.
Merriwa has silo art to admire, and the Merriwa Tourist Welcoming Centre. This is essentially the obligatory regional history museum, but locally-made arts and crafts are also showcased here.
Merriwa to Dubbo drive: Merriwa to Dunedoo
On the way from Merriwa to Dunedoo, there’s the turn off for the western section of Goulburn River National Park. If just dipping in, the Lees Pinch Lookout Walking Track is the best bet. The track is about 1km long, and there are expansive views of the national park from the top.
Beyond that, the Golden Highway passes through more-or-less uninhabited stretches of New South Wales. Cassilis and Uarbry are tiny, with nothing to detain visitors.
When you get to Dunedoo, there’s nothing to get massively excited about. But there are a few places to eat, plus a swimming pool and golf course. The highlight for visitors is likely to be the silo art – massive murals have been painted on Dunedoo’s grain silos.
Merriwa to Dubbo road trip: Dunedoo to Dubbo
From Dunedoo, it’s about an hour to Dubbo, and frankly there’s nothing worth seeing along the way.
Dubbo has a surprisingly strong hand when it comes to attractions. Top of the list are the Dubbo Observatory and Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Book tickets for the latter online to skip the queue.
Other things to do in Dubbo include spooky ghost tours at the Old Dubbo Gaol.
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