Wangaratta to Shepparton road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Wangaratta to Shepparton road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Wangaratta to Shepparton drive: A stop in Benalla?

On the way towards Benalla, you’ll go through Winton, home of Little Cedar Farmhouse Goat Cheese and the Winton Motor Raceway.

The quickest route from Wangaratta to Shepparton bypasses Benalla, but this town does have a few attractions worth considering.

Things to do in Benalla include doing a walking tour of the town’s murals, and getting a further art dose at the Benalla Art Gallery. You can also learn about pilot training during World War II at the Benalla Aviation Museum.

Pick the best Benalla accommodation options

The best places to stay in Benalla are…

The Benalla Art Gallery in Benalla, Victoria
The Benalla Art Gallery in Benalla, Victoria. Photo courtesy of Visit Victoria.

Click through for the next section: Benalla to Shepparton.