Wangaratta to Shepparton road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Wangaratta to Shepparton road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

The best road trip stops on the Wangaratta to Shepparton drive are Glenrowan and Benalla. The Wangaratta to Shepparton drive covers a distance of 99km in around 1h7m.

The drive from Wangaratta to Shepparton connects two regional hubs in northern Victoria. Most visitors are likely to encounter it while flitting between wine regions.

Wangaratta makes a solid base for special tasting experiences at two of Australia’s top wineries – Brown Brothers and Pizzini Wines.

Shepparton is a place of parks and gardens. To sort out your Shepparton accommodation, book here.

Wangaratta to Shepparton distance and driving time

By car, the distance from Wangaratta to Shepparton is 99km. You can expect a driving time of around one hour and seven minutes – but that’ll be longer if you add in some road trip stops.

After leaving Wangaratta, the Freeway goes past the Chick Hill section of the Warby-Ovens National Park. The 2km return Chick Hill Trail is a good workout, here, with steep sections.

Wangaratta to Shepparton road trip: Ned Kelly in Benalla

But the main attraction on the Wangaratta to Benalla section of the road trip is Glenrowan. Ordinarily, this would be a forgettable highway town, but it is deeply entwined in the Ned Kelly legend. As you’ll probably tell from the Big Ned Kelly statue on the main street.

Siege Street is the most interesting place to hang out, however. This is lined with models and interpretive signs that explain the siege and shootout that led to the end of the Kelly Gang and the notorious bushranger’s arrest.

Big Ned Kelly in Glenrowan, Victoria.
The Big Ned Kelly is outside the post office, but Ned Kelly’s last stand took place on Siege Street in Glenrowan. Photo by David Whitley/ Australia Travel Questions

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