What does TAFE stand for in Australia?
In Australia, TAFE stands for technical and further education. It’s roughly equivalent to a technical college in the UK. TAFE colleges and institutes provide a vocational further education alternative to university.
Spend a decent amount of time in an Australian city, and you’ve a good chance of coming across the term TAFE. Lots of young people go to TAFE in Australia, and even those attending often don’t know what TAFE stands for.
What does TAFE stand for?
TAFE stands for technical and further education.
It is not the same as university, and people who study at TAFE are not awarded a degree. They do, however, get vocational qulifications. TAFEs award a series of certificates and diplomas, many of which are geared to certain trades and professions.
Australian TAFE vs technical college
To compare a TAFE to an old polytechnic in the UK wouldn’t be too far off, although it’s not quite right. A technical college is closer to the mark. The study is more clearly aimed at providing vocational skills – whether in IT, hospitality, arts or agriculture.
That said, TAFE applies to the type of education as well as the institution that provides it. The study takes place at a TAFE college or TAFE institute (depending on which state you’re in), but everyone just shortens it to TAFE.
How long are Australian TAFE courses?
One key difference between TAFE and university in Australia is the length of study. University undergraduate degrees generally take three to four years.
Some Australian TAFE courses last three years, but many courses are shorter. Some just last one year.
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