Alice Springs to Darwin train: Timetable, prices & history

Alice Springs to Darwin train: Timetable, prices & history

Alice Springs to Darwin train fares

The Ghan train is not designed to be a regular passenger service. It is designed to be a luxury tourist experience. Therefore, fares are all-inclusive of overnight accommodation in sleeper cabins, plus all meals and drinks while on-board.

The cheapest fares on the Alice Springs to Darwin train are $1,895 per person. That’s the advance purchase price, travelling in a gold twin cabin, in March, April, September, October or November. Go between May and August and it’s from $2,065.

Go for a plusher cabin, and it can set you back considerably more. Bookings should be made via Journey Beyond Rail.

The fare also includes an off-train experience in Katherine, Northern Territory. You can choose between the standard Nitmiluk Gorge cruise or a more art-focused cruise of the first gorge.

Next up: What to do in Darwin.

Nitmiluk National Park cruise through Katherine Gorge, Northern Territory
Nitmiluk National Park cruise through Katherine Gorge, Northern Territory. Photo courtesy of Tourism NT/Backyard Bandits.