Ayr to Townsville train: Timetable, fares & journey time

Ayr to Townsville train: Timetable, fares & journey time

The Ayr to Townsville train is timetabled to depart four days a week. The journey takes just 1h6m, and one way fares cost from around $27.

Most people choose to drive or fly, but it is possible to travel up the Queensland coast by train. The short journey from Ayr to Townsville is a good example of one that’s arguably best done by rail.

Skip the detail and book your train ticket.

The Ayr to Townsville train journey is on the Spirit of Queensland – the train that runs from Brisbane to Cairns.

There’s nothing to say you have to take that train from start to finish, however – it’s perfectly acceptable to buy tickets for small sections of the journey.

Townsville is where you can take the ferry to gorgeous Magnetic Island, enjoy sunset cruises and visit the Museum of Underwater Art. For more Townsville experiences, explore here. To ferret out the best Townsville accommodation deals, look here.

The best accommodation in Ayr

The top accommodation picks in Ayr are:

Ayr to Townsville train timetable

The Ayr to Townsville train leaves four times a week, with departures on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The train departs from Ayr at 08.32, and arrives in Townsville at 09.38.

This means the journey time is a relatively trifling hour and six minutes

According to the timetable for the train in the other direction, Townsville to Ayr trains run on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

These services depart Townsville at 14.54 and arrive in Ayr at 15.57.

6 Townsville experiences to book in advance

  • Magnetic Island ferry tickets – head over to one of the most beautiful islands in Australia.
  • SS Yongala wreck dive – sea how coral and marine life have made the shipwreck home.
  • Great Barrier Reef and Museum of Underwater Art cruise – witness the extraordinary underwater art project up close.
  • Helicopter ride along the coast – get amazing views from above.
  • Sunset sailing cruise – watch the colours over the water, with alcoholic drinks included.
  • Jetski tour to Cape Pallarenda – whizz past beaches and giant boulders.

Ayr to Townsville train fares

Fare prices on the Ayr to Townsville train vary depending on how full the train is and how far in advance you book. But as a rough rule of thumb, expect to pay from $27 for a one way ticket. Bookings can be made online.

Things to do in Townsville include going on a cruise to the Museum of Underwater Art, enjoying a small group sunset cruise and taking the ferry to Magnetic Island.

Townsville accommodation recommendations

The best bets for Townsville accommodation are…

Exploring Townsville, Queensland
Exploring Townsville, Queensland. Photo courtesy of Destination and Events Queensland.

7 Magnetic Island experiences to book in advance

More Townsville train journeys

Ayr to Townsville train.

Townsville to Brisbane train.

Townsville to Bundaberg train.

Cairns to Townsville train.

Cardwell to Townsville train.

Townsville to Mackay train.

Townsville to Rockhampton train.

Other Queensland train services.