Canberra to Melbourne bus: Timetable, fare prices & journey time

Canberra to Melbourne bus: Timetable, fare prices & journey time

The Canberra to Melbourne bus is timetabled to take eight hours and costs from $118. The Greyhound GX233 runs to Melbourne from Canberra overnight.

Most people travelling from Canberra to Melbourne will choose to go via any other method of transport than bus.

Taking the Canberra to Melbourne bus is probably the least comfortable way to travel between the two cities. So if you want the alternatives, here’s where to look in speed order…

Flights >  Drive (with car hire) > Train > Bus

Cheapest way to get from Canberra to Melbourne

The bus, however, can often be the cheapest way to get from Canberra to Melbourne. And for many travellers, keeping the cost down will be the deciding factor.

If this is the case, the service you will need is the Greyhound GX233 service.

7 great Canberra experiences to book before you arrive

Canberra to Melbourne bus timetable

There is one Greyhound bus from Canberra to Melbourne per day, and you’re probably not going to like the timings of it. According to the Greyhound timetable, the GX233 leaves the Canberra Civic Coach Stop at 21.30 every evening.

The journey then takes eight hours, arriving in Melbourne at 05.30 the next morning. Yep. It’s an overnight red eye bus.

The Canberra to Melbourne bus does come with reclining seats, free WiFi and USB chargers, should that make the prospect mildly more enticing.

14 fantastic experiences that make the most of your free time in Melbourne

Canberra to Melbourne bus fare prices

Prices for fares on the Canberra to Melbourne bus vary somewhat, depending on date and how far in advance you book. But one way tickets are often available for around $118. For the best deals, bookings should be made online.

👇 7 great day trips while you’re in Melbourne 👇

Why not BROWSE THE BEST DEALS – with instant confirmation and hassle-free, mobile-friendly tickets?

Greyhound runs hundreds of bus services around Australia.

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