Wollongong to Sydney train: Fare costs, journey time & timetable
Wollongong to Sydney train timetable
The Wollongong to Sydney train timetable shows relatively frequent services along the South Coast Line. The first departure from Wollongong train station is at 03.20 on weekdays. The next train is at 04.14, but frequency of services ramps up as you get towards busy commuter periods.
During most of the day, there are Wollongong to Sydney trains roughly every 25 minutes, but services can be every three minutes during rush hour. Let’s just say the Wollongong to Sydney train timetable is a little erratic…
6 fantastic Wollongong experiences to book before you arrive
- Tandem hang-gliding flight from Bald Hill – float down towards the beach.
- One hour private surf lesson in Woonona – learn the basics, and get standing on your board.
- Illawarra Fly ziplining course and treetop walk – test your nerves high up in the canopy.
- Tandem skydive with beach landing – feel the rush of freefall.
- Explore the city on a scavenger hunt – a fun way to get to know Wollongong better.
- Half day deep sea fishing adventure – haul in some big boys.