Fremont Street zipline, Las Vegas: Review with prices

Fremont Street zipline, Las Vegas: Review with prices

The Slotzilla zipline along Fremont Street, Las Vegas, reaches speeds of 56km/h. Ticket prices start at $49.

Most ziplines tend to be out in the countryside, flying over valleys, or through forests. Not in Las Vegas.

The Slotzilla zipline takes the form of a giant slot machine in the middle of Fremont Street, downtown Vegas’ gaudiest and most visually dazzling strip.

Surrounded by flashing lights, a giant LED roof and a neon blizzard, Slotzilla offers the chance to zipline almost five blocks above the throng of people gathered to watch rockers and country guitar-twangers on the live music stages below.

How high is the Fremont Street zipline?

The Slotzilla zipline starts 23 metres up, but the much more nerve-jangling ‘zoomline’ is nearly 35 metres above ground. And it involves getting spectacularly trussed up beforehand. Minidress-esque rubber sacks are strapped around the body, all manner of carabiners and harness loops dangling free, while two Velcro straps are wrapped just below the knees. Once at the top, willing victims lie down on hydraulically-operated bed-like platforms, and everything is hooked up to the zipwire apparatus above.

The blue beds are then lowered, leaving strapped-up flyers hanging, horizontal and facing straight forward.

Slotzilla zipline review

Then the barrier is lowered, revealing Fremont Street below. Pulse rates quicken, hearts disappear into mouths, and the release mechanism is triggered. Suddenly, there’s a lurch forward and the human contents of these glorified hang-glider bags are sent hurtling across the neonscape.

It’s a fabulous rush, taken on superhero-style with arms outstretched in front. The undignified hollering is slightly less heroic, but it’s perfectly acceptable behaviour in the circumstances.

How fast is the Fremont street zipline?

With four flying at the same time, competitive urges take over. Finding the most aerodynamic position becomes paramount for overtaking purposes, although several years of unrestrained pie-eating proves to be a more significant advantage. Sheer bulk and gravity combine to produce the top speeds – of around 56km/h.

They also lead to a hefty crash to a halt at the end, though. It’s a jerking, jolting climax rather than a gentle deceleration. But that’s not going to detract from the sheer, joyous, excitable glee. The juices are flowing and the night is still young. And with such adrenalin rushes, the viva is well and truly injected into Las Vegas.

Slotzilla zipline prices

Tickets for the standard Slotzilla zipline, which runs seven stories high for two blocks, cost $49. For the super hero-style Zoomline, which is 11 stories high and runs for five blocks, the price is $69. Bookings can be made via the official website.

Preparing for launch on the Slotzilla zipline over Fremont Street, Las Vegas.
Preparing for launch on the Slotzilla zipline over Fremont Street, Las Vegas. Photo by Scott Roeben.

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