Bundaberg to Yeppoon road trip: Stops, distance & drive time

Bundaberg to Yeppoon road trip: Stops, distance & drive time

The Bundaberg to Yeppoon drive covers a 332km distance in a driving time of around 3h44m. The best road trip stops are Agnes Water, Tannum Sands and Rockhampton.

The Bundaberg to Yeppoon drive connects two logical overnight stops on a Queensland coastal road trip. Bundaberg offers rum distillery tours, Lady Musgrave Island day trips, ginger beer brewery tastings and farm experiences, while Yeppoon is the gateway to Great Keppel Island. But there are a fair few road trip stops between them.

The number one thing to do in Yeppoon is a Great Keppel Island day trip.

Bundaberg to Yeppoon distance and driving time

By car, the distance from Bundaberg to Yeppoon is 332km. That makes for a driving time of around three hours and 44 minutes.

6 Bundaberg experiences to make the most of your free time

The first leg of the journey is from Bundaberg to Gladstone along the Rosedale Road and Tableland Road. Moore Park Beach is the best detour on this stretch, but you’re much better off diverting a little later on towards Agnes Water, the Town of 1770 and Eurimbula National Park.

Bundaberg to Yeppoon road trip stops: Agnes Water and 1770

Things to do in Agnes Water and 1770 include bike rentals, dusk cruises, amphibious vehicle tours and scooter tours. Accommodation picks include the spacious, pool-based 1770 Lagoons Central Apartment Resort and the NRMA Agnes Water Holiday Park.

What to book in 1770/ Agnes Water before you arrive

Kayaking in 1770
Kayaking in 1770. Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.

The Bundaberg to Yeppoon road trip rejoins the Bruce Highway at Miriam Vale, then skims around the edge of Gladstone.

Click through for the next section: Gladstone.