Grafton to Inverell road trip: Distance, drive time & best stops
The best stops on a Grafton to Inverell road trip include Gibraltar Range National Park, the Washpool Walking Track and the Sinclair Lookout. It takes around 2h42m to cover the 229km driving distance.
A Grafton to Inverell road trip takes you away from the New South Wales coast, across the waterfall-strewn Great Dividing Range and deep into the New England region. It’s not generally regarded as one of Australia’s great drives, but it’s still pretty good fun to tackle.
For Grafton accommodation picks, head here.
Grafton to Inverell distance and driving time
By car, the distance from Grafton to Inverell is 229km. This makes for a driving time of around two hours and 42 minutes, which is almost entirely along the Gwydir Highway.
Top Grafton accommodation options
The best places to stay in Grafton are:
- For central location: Civic Motel.
- For charm and personal touch: Andavine House Bed and Breakfast.
- For a relatively cheap, good quality motel with a pool: Grafton Lodge Motel.
The Grafton to Inverell drive leaves Grafton to the north-west, as the road runs parallel to the Clarence River. To the south of the highway, there’s Ramornie National Park, and you’ll cross the Mann River at Jackadgery. Things start getting more interesting from here, as the highway starts climbing into the Great Dividing Range.
Nymboida National Park, early on in that climb, is a favourite with kayakers.
Next section: Great Dividing Range national parks.