Gympie to Maryborough drive: Distance, time & road trip attractions
The Gympie to Maryborough drive is 87km in distance, with a driving time of 1h7m. The best road trip attraction along the way is liqueur-maker Lychee Divine.
The Gympie to Maryborough drive covers a relatively short stretch of the Bruce Highway as you travel up the coast of Queensland.
You’ll pass along it if on a longer road trip from Brisbane to Bundaberg or Brisbane to Cairns.
Gympie to Maryborough distance and driving time
The distance from Gympie to Maryborough is 87km, with a driving time of around one hour and seven minutes.
Most drivers will simply cover this distance in one stint behind the wheel, but there are a few attractions worth considering along the way.
Gympie to Maryborough drive: State forests and Tiaro
After leaving Gympie, there are several state forests to the east of the Bruce Highway. The Tuan State Forest is better set up for visitors than the Curra State Forest or Bauple State Forest, but there are no designated walking tracks. The Mount Bauple National Park is preserved for scientific purposes rather than visitor entertainment. You need a permit to enter.
There are several more state forests around largely underwhelming Tiaro, but a couple of local beauty spots make decent places for a picnic. Try the Owanyilla Riverside Park or Tinana Creek Weir.
Lychee divine in Tinana, Queensland
Otherwise the main highlight of the Gympie to Maryborough drive is Lychee Divine, which makes liqueurs and condiments out of lychees. It’s just south of Tinana.
The Bruce Highway runs just to the west of Maryborough. If you want to go into this attractive Fraser Coast town, it requires a short branch off at Tinana.
Good things to do in Maryborough include learning about the town’s port history at the Bond Store Museum, and celebrating Mary Poppins at the Story Bank. Author PL Travers, who created the magical nanny, was born in Maryborough.
Road trips from Gympie, Queensland
Gympie to Brisbane: Distance 169km, driving time 2h4m.
Gympie to Bundaberg: Distance 194km, driving time 2h13m.
Gympie to Hervey Bay: Distance 121km, driving time 1h27m.
Gympie to Noosa: Distance 66km, driving time 53m.
Gympie to Rainbow Beach: Distance 73km, driving time 51m.
Gympie to Rockhampton: Distance 466km, driving time 5h20m.