Lithgow road trips
The New South Wales town of Lithgow is at the western end of the Blue Mountains. You’ll generally pass through Lithgow on a road trip to somewhere else, but the town does have plenty to see and do in its own right.
Distances and driving times for road trips starting or ending in Lithgow are listed below. Times are estimates created using Google Maps. Click through for full road trip guides.
Lithgow distances and driving times
Lithgow to Bathurst: Distance 63km, driving time 47m. (More driving times from Bathurst).
Lithgow to Mudgee: Distance 127km, driving time 1h29m. (More Mudgee driving times).
Lithgow to Orange: Distance 119km, driving time 1h39m. (More driving times from Orange).
Sydney to Lithgow: Distance 139km, driving time 2h2m. (More road trips from Sydney).
Top Lithgow accommodation choices
The best places to stay in Lithgow are:
- For the highest guest ratings: Lithgow Workies Club Motel.
- For heritage and charm: Wenvoe Historic Retreat.
- For a heated outdoor pool: Zig Zag Motel and Apartments.