St George to Roma, QLD: Road trip distance, time & stops

St George to Roma, QLD: Road trip distance, time & stops

The St George to Roma drive in Queensland covers a 196km distance, with a driving time of around 2h6m. Surat is the main stop along the road trip route.

The drive from St George to Roma in Queensland is not one that most visitors will even consider undertaking. But it might end up being a leg on a longer road trip. The quickest route from Sydney to Cairns comes by this way.

For the best Roma accommodation deals, head here

St George to Roma distance and driving time

The distance from St George to Roma, Queensland, is 196km when travelling by car. This makes for an approximate driving time of around two hours and six minutes.

The quickest route is along the Carnarvon Highway, initially heading north-west and following the Balonne River.

Where to stay in St George

The top St George accommodation choices are:

St George to Roma drive: Surat attractions

The only settlement of any size is Surat, a fairly uneventful agricultural hub town. It has a racecourse, sports ground and a couple of places to stay. These include the Cobb and Co Country Motel and Surat Cabins and Caravan Park.

The Surat New Royal Hotel will do the job for food and a couple of beers, while the Surat Riverwalk makes for a nice stroll along the Balonne River.

Continuing north along the Carnarvon Highway, you’ll go past the Yalebone State Forest and Brucedale State Forest.

St George to Roma road trip: Roma attractions

That’s pretty much your lot until you reach Roma, a town that effectively forms the last frontier between country Queensland and the outback.

Things to do in Roma include seeing the Three Dimensional Mural inside the Roma Cultural Centre and walking the 1.7km Adungadoo Pathway through the gum trees along Bungil Creek.

You can also visit the Big Rig, a museum devoted to Australia’s oil and gas industry – of which Roma was the birthplace.

The most memorable Roma experience, however, is watching the bewildering cattle auctions at the enormous Roma Saleyards.

Roma's Largest Bottle Tree.
Roma’s Largest Bottle Tree. It’s a big bottle tree, you have to give it that. Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.

Where to stay in Roma, Queensland

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