Sydney to Brisbane train: Fares, timetable & journey time
Sydney to Brisbane train fares
Sydney to Brisbane train fares cost from $93.79, and can be booked online.
That’s roughly comparable with the cheapest airfares on the route, so it’s a matter of whether you prefer speed or comfort. Driving will cost considerably more, once you factor in the cost of fuel.
Special occasion? Here’s how to do Sydney in style!
- A private sunset cruise on Sydney Harbour with bubbly.
- Dodge the tour buses on a private, personalised Blue Mountains day tour.
- See the harbour, beaches and city skyline from a bird’s eye view on a helicopter tour.
There are also dozens more private Sydney tours, tailorable to your tastes.
Sydney to Brisbane train stops
The stops on the Sydney to Brisbane train service generally aren’t ones to get pulses racing. It runs inland from the coastal holiday hotspots, largely connecting regional service centres. The train stops at Strathfield, Hornsby, Gosford, Wyong, Fassifern, Broadmeadow and Maitland. It then continues to Dungog, Gloucester, Wingham and Taree. Next come Kendall, Wauchope, Kempsey, Macksville, Urunga, Sawtell and Coffs Harbour.
After Coffs Harbour, the Sydney to Brisbane train stops less frequently, pulling in only at Grafton, Casino and Kyogle before reaching Brisbane.
Book your train ticket online for the cheapest prices.
Next up: Brisbane accommodation and activities.