Ulladulla to Batemans Bay: Road trip stops, distance & driving time

Ulladulla to Batemans Bay: Road trip stops, distance & driving time

Ulladulla to Batemans Bay drive: Meroo National Park and Bawley Point

Stay off the highway and you can explore several beaches within Meroo National Park. Sunburnt Beach and Termeil Beach are good options, while the Meroo Lake walking track offers a little more activity.

If you’ve stuck to the Princes Highway, the next advisable detour is down the Bawley Point Road to Bawley Point. This is a hugely popular surf spot, but if you prefer walking to surfing, the Murramarang Aboriginal Area Walking Track is just to the south.

Surf at Bawley Point
The surf at Bawley Point is the primary reason to visit. Photo courtesy of Destination NSW.

Click through to the next section: Murramarang National Park.