KRW to AUD: What is the South Korean won to Australian dollar exchange rate?
The KRW to AUD exchange rate is 0.00116, which means a million South Korean won is worth $1,116 Australian dollars. In the past, the Australian dollar has been even stronger against the won.
Most visitors to Australia won’t have cause to change South Korean won into Australian dollars. But if you’re using Seoul as a stopover on the way, you might have some spare won to get rid of. Therefore, it could be helpful to know roughly how many Australian dollars you’ll get to the won.
Won to AUD exchange rate
Well, the answer is not very many at all. At time of writing in June 2021, the KRW to AUD exchange rate was 0.00116. 1,000 won would get you AU$16, and a million won is worth $1,162 Australian dollars.
This is roughly where the KRW to AUD exchange rate has been since 2015, barring a blip in March 2020 when it reached 0.00138. Before 2015, the Australian dollar was even stronger against the won – at one stage in 2012, the KRW to AUD exchange rate was 0.00082. That means a million won would only get you 800 Australian dollars.
Of course, these rates are the mid-market rates used on currency exchanges. The rates you’ll actually get at a bureau de change or airport exchange booth are likely to be less competitive. Avoid changing money at airports if at all possible – the captive audiences and desperation factor mean airport exchange counters can get away with offering poor rates.
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