Gladstone to Cairns train: Timetable, fare prices and stops

Gladstone to Cairns train: Timetable, fare prices and stops

Gladstone to Cairns train fares

Prices on the Gladstone to Cairns train aren’t perhaps as cheap as you might be hoping for. Advance purchased tickets, booked online, cost from $179.40. Although, of course, prices vary by travel date.

It’s possible to upgrade to a sleeper – called a Railbed. These tickets cost from $310.40.

If you want to take a bicycle or a surfboard, or want a refundable ticket, you’ll have to pay more.

Save time queuing – Book these Cairns attractions in advance

Gladstone to Cairns train stops

The Gladstone to Cairns train stops at Mount Larcom, Rockhampton, St Lawrence, Carmila and Sarina before reaching Mackay. After Mackay, it stops in Proserpine, Bowen, Home Hill, Ayr, Giru and Townsville.

From Townsville, the train continues to Ingham, Cardwell, Tully, Innisfail, Babinda and Gordonvale before finally arriving in Cairns.

Accommodation options in Gladstone the night before include the very well-reviewed CQ Motel and the apartment-style Oaks Gladstone Grand Hotel.

Strong Cairns accommodation options include the Pacific Hotel, the Hilton Cairns and the Sebel Cairns Harbour Lights.

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