Melbourne to Adelaide train: Timetable, journey time & fare prices

Melbourne to Adelaide train: Timetable, journey time & fare prices

The Melbourne to Adelaide train departs twice a week and takes ten-and-a-half hours. Fares on the Overland train service cost from $115.

The Melbourne to Adelaide train should be seen as a practical alternative for non-drivers, not an enjoyable journey in its own right. A Melbourne to Adelaide road trip, whether via the Great Ocean Road or the Grampians, is too much fun.

Adelaide brings food tours of the fabulous Central Market, Torrens River cruises, swimming with dolphins and the chance to walk across the roof of the Adelaide Oval. To book Adelaide accommodation, step this way. For a full range of Adelaide tours and experiences, explore here.

Book your Melbourne to Adelaide train ticket.

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Melbourne to Adelaide train timetable

The Melbourne to Adelaide train requires a bit of advance planning, too. For a start, there are only two services a week. These trains from Melbourne to Adelaide depart Melbourne at 08.05 on Mondays and Fridays. If you don’t want to faff with a taxi, the Atlantis Hotel, Alto Hotel on Bourke and Melbourne SkyHigh Apartments are within an easy walk of Southern Cross Station.

The return train services from Adelaide to Melbourne depart at 07.45 on Sundays and 06.55 on Thursdays. Adelaide accommodation options near the Parklands Station include the Rydges South Park hotel.

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