Melbourne to Adelaide train: Timetable, journey time & fare prices

Melbourne to Adelaide train: Timetable, journey time & fare prices

Melbourne to Adelaide train duration and stops

The Overland train from Melbourne to Adelaide takes around ten-and-a-half hours to complete the journey.

The stops on the Victorian leg of the journey are North Shore Geelong, Ararat, Stawell, Horsham, Dimboola and Nhill. Once in South Australia, the Overland train stops in Bordertown and Murray Bridge.

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Booking Melbourne to Adelaide train tickets

For more information on the Overland train, visit the Journey Beyond Rail website. Tickets can be booked online.

Alternatives you may want to consider include taking a flight, catching the bus or hiring a car in Melbourne.

Things to do in Adelaide include walking tours concentrating on North TerraceVictoria Square, the ghosts of Adelaide Gaol and North Adelaide’s mansions.

Otherwise, try a Torrens River cruiseswimming with dolphins from Glenelg and climbing the roof of the Adelaide Oval.

15 fabulous Adelaide experiences to supercharge your visit

The Overland train from Melbourne to Adelaide
The Overland train from Melbourne to Adelaide. Photo courtesy of Journey Beyond Rail.

15 fabulous Adelaide experiences to supercharge your visit

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