Rockhampton to Brisbane train: Fare prices and timetable
Rockhampton to Brisbane train fare prices
Fare prices on the Rockhampton to Brisbane train vary by date and service. The trains coming from Longreach and Cairns take longer, but cost a little less. Expect to pay from $81 for a one way ticket. On the Tilt Train, one way fares cost from $101.25. Tickets can be booked online.
9 brilliant Brisbane experiences to book in advance
- Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary tickets (or entry plus river cruise combo) – hold a koala and see lots of adorable native wildlife.
- Brisbane River cruise – see the key sights and learn about the city on the way.
- Story Bridge Adventure Climb – walk along the top of Brisbane’s famous bridge, with 360 degree views.
- Combine the Southbank Parklands, City Botanic Gardens and Kangaroo Point Cliffs on a fun Segway tour.
- Helicopter flight – see the city from a bird’s eye view.
- Kayaking tour – choose the night tour to see the city light up, the day tour to enjoy the sunshine.
- XXXX brewery tour – see how Australia’s most famous beer is made.
- Guided wine flight tasting – get an Aussie wine introductory course.
- See Brisbane’s spooky side on a city centre ghost tour.
Accommodation near Roma Street Station in Brisbane includes the relatively cheap Selina, the stylish-looking George Williams Hotel and the Grand Chancellor, which has a marvellous rooftop pool.
Things to do in Brisbane once you’re there include a relaxing Brisbane River cruise, a quirky Segway sightseeing trip and taking a boat upriver to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. You can also fix up transfers to Australia Zoo, a hinterland rainforest tour and adventurous day trips to Moreton Island.
Top experiences to book in and around Rockhampton
- (Highly recommended ✅) Great Keppel Island day trip – with lunch.
- Cathedral Cave tour at Capricorn Caves. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- 90 minute Deep Vault Cave and Flower Pot tour at Capricorn Caves.
- Time Safaris walking tour.
If you found this guide useful, please consider booking your accommodation and tours through the links to Wotif and Viator below.
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The companies chosen are those usually used by Australia Travel Questions founder David Whitley when booking travel in Australia.
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