Bourke to Cunnamulla: Distance, driving time and road trip stops

Bourke to Cunnamulla: Distance, driving time and road trip stops

The Bourke to Cunnamulla drive along the Mitchell Highway covers a 257km distance in a driving time of around 2h44m. The Bush Tucker Inn in Barringun, NSW, is the only real road trip stop of note.

The drive from Bourke to Cunnamulla skirts the edge of the outback as it crosses the border from New South Wales into Queensland. It’s a drive that most overseas tourists are unlikely to go anywhere near. But if you’re doing a road trip from Canberra to Darwin, the stretch from Bourke to Cunnamulla is along the quickest route.

For Bourke accommodation, book here.

Book in advance for the best Cunnamulla accommodation deals.

Bourke to Cunnamulla distance and driving time

By car, the distance from Bourke to Cunnamulla is 257km. That makes for a driving time of around two hours and 44 minutes. This drive is almost entirely along the Mitchell Highway, and there really isn’t much to see on the way.

Top Bourke accommodation options

There’s not a great array of accommodation in Bourke, but these are the best bets in order of preference:

Bourke to Cunnamulla road trip: Bush Tucker Inn, Barringun

After leaving Bourke, the first plausible stop is Barringun, just south of the Queensland border. The Bush Tucker Inn and Caravan Park offers basic accommodation and food.

Otherwise, the Mitchell Highway passes through vast sheep stations. On the Queensland side of the border, there’s Binya National Park. But this is one of these national parks that is essentially only there for conservation reasons. There are no real tourist facilities.

Cunnamulla kangaroos and accommodation

Cunnamulla, once you get there, is a notoriously good place for spotting kangaroos. You can also try sandboarding down the big sand dunes on the edge of town.

Best Cunnamulla accommodation choices

The best places to stay in Cunnamulla, Queensland, are:

Water tower art in Cunnamulla, Queensland
Water tower art in Cunnamulla, Queensland. Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.

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