Sydney to Dubai flight time
The Sydney to Dubai flight time depends on what time of day you’re flying. But the quickest direct Emirates flights are timetabled to take 14 hours and ten minutes.
The Emirates flights from Sydney to Dubai are a popular way of connecting Australians to Europe. From Dubai, Emirates offers several connecting flights to European destinations.
For Europeans travelling to Australia, Emirates often offers competitive flight deals. The UK regional departures from the likes of Newcastle, Manchester and Birmingham makes the Emirates flights an attractive option. But the Sydney to Dubai leg of the journey is often the longest. And when you’re sitting in economy class, in particular, you don’t half feel it.
Sydney to Dubai flight time according Emirates timetables
But just how long is the Sydney to Dubai flight time? While it’s obviously not as long as the direct flights from London to Perth, it is a fair old stint sat in small seat.
According to the Emirates timetables, the Sydney to Dubai flight time is either 14 hours and ten minutes or 14 hours and 30 minutes. It varies by departure time, although there’s no good reason for this.
Quickest flight from Sydney to Dubai
EK415, the morning flight from Sydney to Dubai, takes 14 hours and ten minutes.
But the evening flight, EK413, takes 14-and-a-half hours. This isn’t due to using different aircraft either – both flights are aboard an Emirates A380.
Once Qantas starts launching direct flights to east coast Australia from Europe, this Sydney to Dubai flight time is going to start feeling pretty trivial. But for now, it’s about as long as you can spend on a plane for a single leg of an Australia to Europe flight.
Stopovers in Dubai rarely cost much more than connecting flights through Dubai, incidentally.
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