How far is Tonga from Australia?
Tonga is 3,585km from Australia if you measure from Sydney, but there are no direct flights. The flight time from Sydney to Tonga via Fiji is from 6h40m.
If you’re wondering how far Tonga is from Australia, chances are you’re thinking about combining a trip to Australia with one to the Pacific Islands. The bad news is that, although Australia and the Pacific Islands are often lumped together as Oceania, there can be some massive distances involved.
Tonga isn’t quite as far from Australia as some of the Pacific Islands. It’s a significantly longer journey to the Cook Islands and French Polynesia, for example. But it’s still a fair old distance.
How far is Tonga from Sydney?
Measuring from Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport to Fua’amotu International Airport on main island Tongatapu, Tonga is 3,585km from Sydney. With the same airport-to-airport system, Tonga is 4,241km from Melbourne and 4,139km from Brisbane.
Flights to Tonga from Australia
However, these as-the-crow-flies distances from Australia to Tonga are somewhat irrelevant. At present, there are no direct flights to Tonga from Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. Or, indeed, any other city in Australia.
If you want to fly from Australia to Tonga, you need to connect somewhere. Logic dictates that this is in New Zealand – specifically, Auckland. Air New Zealand flies to both Tongatapu and the major Australian cities.
Sydney to Tonga flight time
However, the connections in Auckland don’t work all that well. The quickest flight time, including layover, from Sydney to Tonga via Auckland is seven hours and 50 minutes.
Therefore, you should probably look at the Fiji Airways option that goes via Nadi in Fiji. The Sydney to Tonga options work better with Fiji Airways – the total journey time is a relatively small six hours and 40 minutes.
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