Biloela to Rockhampton road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

Biloela to Rockhampton road trip: Distance, drive time & stops

The Biloela to Rockhampton drive covers a 144km distance in a driving time of around 1h40m. The best stop along the road trip route is gold mining town Mount Morgan.

The drive from Biloela to Rockhampton connects one of the main towns on the Burnett Highway to the biggest city in Central Queensland.

This is not a route that most overseas visitors will end up driving. However, if you’re on a road trip through inland Queensland, you may encounter it.

Rockhampton offers fascinating history walks and cave tours. To source the best Rockhampton accommodation deals, go here.

The city of Rockhampton, Queensland.
The city of Rockhampton, Queensland. Photo courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.

Biloela to Rockhampton distance and driving time

The distance from Biloela to Rockhampton is 144km. This means the driving time to Rockhampton from Biloela is approximately one hour and 40 minutes.

Where to stay in Biloela

The best Biloela accommodation choices are:

Top experiences to book in and around Rockhampton

The drive is almost entirely along the Burnett Highway.

Biloela to Rockhampton: Road trip attractions

The first feasible attraction on the Biloela to Rockhampton drive comes on the way out of Biloela. The Queensland Heritage Park is essentially a local history museum inside an old church and railway station building. It offers a moderately interesting trawl through the back story of the Banana Shire. But, as that description suggests, most travellers will rest easy skipping it.

Biloela to Rockhampton road trip: Dee River and Mount Morgan

Heading north, the Burnett Highway goes through agricultural land, with not much to detain visitors. It’s a short branch off to camping spot Lake Victoria, and the first place resembling a village is Dululu, where the Burnett Highway meets the Leichhardt Highway.

Stick to the Burnett, however. It largely follows the course of the Dee River towards Mount Morgan.

Attractions in Mount Morgan include the Mount Morgan Golf Course, the Mount Morgan Historical Museum and Mount Morgan Railway Museum. The latter doubles as this gold mining town’s visitor information centre.

You can also peer over the gold mine at the Arthur Timms Lookout.

Click through for the next section: Mount Morgan Lookout and Bouldercombe.