Charleville to Blackall road trip: Distance, drive time & best stops
The distance from Charleville to Blackall is 302km, with a driving time of 3h14m. The best road trip stops along the quickest Charleville to Blackall driving route are Tambo and Blackall.
Planning a Charleville to Blackall road trip itinerary
A Charleville to Blackall road trip connects two of the more interesting outback towns in Queensland. For most travellers, this will be a leg on a longer journey. The epic road trips from Perth to Cairns and Melbourne to Port Douglas pass along this route.
To find the best Charleville accommodation deals, come this way.
This guide should help you plan your perfect Charleville to Blackall road trip itinerary.
If you need to hire a car, find the best rental deals. And don’t forget to do all your pre-road trip shopping.
Charleville to Blackall distance and driving time
By car along sealed roads, the distance from Charleville to Blackall is 302km. Without stopping, that makes for a Charleville to Blackall driving time of around three hours and 14 minutes.
The best things to do in Charleville include venturing into the secret World War II air base and exploring the heavens at the Charleville Cosmos Centre and. The Royal Flying Doctor Service Visitor Centre and Charleville Historic House are also worth a look.
The best accommodation in Charleville
Of the Charleville accommodation options, these are the best bets…
- For heritage and personality: Hotel Corones.
- For best value: Charleville Waltzing Matilda Inn.
- For central location: Rocks Motel.
- For gardens and pool: Mulga Country Motel Inn.
Charleville to Blackall drive: Charleville to Tambo
The drive north quickly meets the Landsborough Highway just south of Augathella. In Augathella, you can admire the murals along the main street and be somewhat puzzled by the Giant Meat Ant Statue.
If planning to stop overnight, Augathella accommodation ideas include the Augathella Palms Motel and Augathella Motel and Caravan Park.
The next town is Tambo, where there’s a bird-watching hide at Tambo Lake, and a surprisingly successful outback teddy-making business.
Tambo Teddies began as a way of using excess wool from the local wool industry.
Charleville to Blackall road trip: Tambo to Blackall
You can learn more about that wool industry in the Blackall Wool Scour, a museum devoted to the subject.
There are also are installations and sculptures all around Blackall, which regards itself at the Art Capital of the Outback.
The most tempting attraction, however, is the Blackall Aquatic Centre. Here, the heated outdoor pool is fed by an artesian bore.
The Oasis Motor Inn is easily the best place to stay in Blackall.
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