Inverell to Moree road trip: Distance, drive time & road trip stops

Inverell to Moree road trip: Distance, drive time & road trip stops

The Inverell to Moree drive covers a 141km distance, with a driving time of around 1h41m. Road trip stops to add to the itinerary include the Cranky Rock Nature Reserve and Nancy Coulton Lookout.

The drive from Inverell to Moree crosses a significant chunk of New South Wales’ New England region. It’s almost entirely along the Gwydir Highway.

Book in advance for the best Moree accommodation deals.

Inverell to Moree distance and driving time

By car, the distance from Inverell to Moree is 141km. That makes for a driving time of around one hour and 41 minutes. Obviously, that’s drivable without stopping, but there are a few road trip stops worth considering along the way.

Top Inverell accommodation options

The best places to stay in Inverell are:

Inverell to Moree road trip: Cranky Rock Nature Reserve and Wairalda

Just before Delungra, you can make a slight detour for all things lavender at the Wyoming Lavender Estate. Further along, the Cranky Rock Nature Reserve east of Wairalda has massive granite boulders to clamber over. There’s also a wildlife sanctuary, viewing platform, picnic area with free barbecues, a children’s playground and suspension bridge.

Wairalda itself has a golf course, caravan park and supermarket, but not a great deal else to get visitors excited.

Click through for more Gwydir Highway attractions.