Bathurst to Dubbo road trip: Distance, drive time and best stops
The Bathurst to Dubbo drive covers a distance of 197km, with a driving time of around two-and-a-half hours. Orange and Lake Burrendong are the best road trip stops on the way.
The drive from Bathurst to Dubbo connects two of the biggest inland towns in Australia. Neither is likely to feature on most tourist itineraries, but both have a few attractions worth considering.
Bathurst, meanwhile, brings private luxury wine tours and jet fighter flights.
Dubbo offers ghost tours, an observatory and a safari-style zoo. To find good quality Dubbo accommodation that suits your tastes, explore the options here.
Book in advance for the best Dubbo accommodation deals and Dubbo Zoo tickets.
But if you’re intent on exploring a different side of Australia on a road trip through country New South Wales, both Bathurst and Dubbo have plenty of attractions to offer.
Bathurst to Dubbo distance and driving time
The distance from Bathurst to Dubbo by car is 197km. Done in one hit, that should make for a driving time of around two-and-a-half hours.
The first leg of the journey is from Bathurst to Orange along the Mitchell Highway. The main road trip attraction here is the Macquarie Woods section of the Vittoria State Forest. There are some lovely walking trails through the box trees and red gums.
Next section: Orange wineries.