Cobram to Shepparton drive: Distance, time and road trip stops
The quickest route from Cobram to Shepparton takes around 49 minutes and 67km. But there are more appealing attractions going via the Goulburn Valley Highway.
The drive from Cobram to Shepparton in Victoria, Australia, connects one of the most appealing Murray River towns to the hub of the Goulburn Valley.
Cobram is becoming increasingly well-known for its Murray River beaches, of which Thompsons Beach is arguably the most attractive. Shepparton is more business-like, but has a good cultural scene. To sort out your Shepparton accommodation, book here.
Cobram to Shepparton distance and driving time
The Cobram to Shepparton drive is not a particularly long one by Australian standards. There are three possible routes which take roughly the same time. Going the quickest way, via Katamatite, the Cobram to Shepparton drive is 67km long. Expect a driving time of around 49 minutes. This route is mainly along the Benalla-Tocumwal Road until Katamatite, then the Katamatite-Shepparton Road afterwards.
Road trip attractions along this route include the Broken-Boosey State Park and the Haze Maze just south of Marungi.
Cobram to Shepparton drive via Labuan Road
The shortest route from Cobram to Shepparton goes down the Labuan Road until Marungi. But there’s very little worth stopping for on this route, and you don’t save any time.
The best route, however, is a teensy bit longer. This heads out along the Murray Valley Highway, or B400, then joins the Goulburn Valley Highway.
Cobram to Shepparton drive via the Goulburn Valley Highway
The Murray Valley Highway goes past Cactus Country in Strathmerton. This extraordinary cactus farm showcases thousands of cacti from multiple different species. It also adopts an amusingly silly Mexican theme.
Once on the Goulburn Valley Highway, it’s a short diversion to Monichino Wines in Katunga or the Numurkah Natural Features Reserve along Broken Creek.
Going via the Goulburn Valley Highway makes for a journey time of 52 minutes, and a driving distance of 72km.
Shepparton accommodation recommendations
These are the best places to stay in Shepparton.
- For grandeur and lake view rooms: Carrington Hotel.
- For a holiday park with lots of kid-friendly facilities: Big4 Shepparton Park Lane Holiday Park.
- For high quality apartments: Quest Shepparton.
- For a good value motel with a pool: Peppermill Inn Motel.
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