Grafton to Glen Innes drive: Distance, time & road trip stops
The best road trip stops on the Grafton to Glen Innes drive are Gibraltar Range National Park and Washpool National Park.
The drive from Grafton to Glen Innes in New South Wales takes you from the Northern Rivers region to New England. In doing so, you cross the Great Dividing Range.
For Grafton accommodation picks, head here.
It’s a particularly scenic drive, which heads past several national parks along the way.
Grafton to Glen Innes distance and driving time
By car, the distance from Grafton to Glen Innes is 162km. This makes for a driving time of around one hour and 55 minutes, which is almost entirely along the Gwydir Highway.
Top Grafton accommodation options
The best places to stay in Grafton are:
- For central location: Civic Motel.
- For charm and personal touch: Andavine House Bed and Breakfast.
- For a relatively cheap, good quality motel with a pool: Grafton Lodge Motel.
The Grafton to Glen Innes drive leaves Grafton to the north-west, with the road running parallel to the Clarence River. Ramornie National Park is to the south of the highway and you’ll eventually cross the Mann River at Jackadgery.
The highway then starts climbing through the Great Dividing Range. Nymboida National Park, which is something of a kayaker’s heaven.
Grafton to Glen Innes drive: Gibraltar Range National Park
For walkers, Gibraltar Range National Park will hold more appeal. There are several walking tracks here. The 6km Needles Walking Track is a popular half day outing, the Junction Spur Walking Track is considerably more adventurous and the 7km Duffer Falls Walking Track builds in waterfall views.
Other waterfalls with lookouts include Lyrebird Falls and Boundary Falls.
After a zig-zagging climb, the Grafton to Glen Innes drive jags south-west into Washpool National Park. There are several more picnic areas, campgrounds and walking tracks to enjoy here, while the Heffron Lookout is the best quick photo stop.
Grafton to Glen Innes road trip: Washpool walking track
The 8.5km Washpool Walking Track from the Coombadjha Campground is the classic trail. This loop heads through rare coachwood forest towards lookouts and waterfalls. Birdwatchers should keep their eyes out for lyrebirds along the way.
As the highway comes down the back of the Gibraltar Range, you’ll also pass Barool National Park, Mount Mitchell and the Mann River Nature Reserve. The Tommy’s Rock Lookout is the highlight in the latter.
Glen Innes is just on the other side of the Great Dividing Range.
Things to do in Glen Innes include seeing the strange Australian Standing Stones Monument.
Glen Innes accommodation
Glen Innes accommodation options are basically various iterations on the motel. The New England Motor Lodge is the strongest contender, here – it has the most central location and a surprisingly sprawling pool. The Clansman Motel on the New England Highway also has good reviews. Meanwhile the Great Central Hotel does cheap but decent rooms above a pub.
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