Griffith to Wagga Wagga road trip: Distance, driving time and stops

Griffith to Wagga Wagga road trip: Distance, driving time and stops

The Griffith to Wagga Wagga drive is 182km in distance, with a driving time of 2h6m. Road trip attractions on the route include McCaughey’s Lagoon, the Narrandera Water Tower mural and Berry Jerry National Park.

The Griffith to Wagga Wagga drive connects two of the largest towns in the Riverina region of New South Wales. The drive goes through mainly agricultural land, and doesn’t exactly get the pulses racing.

There are a few feasible routes from Griffith to Wagga Wagga, but the quickest follows Irrigation Way to Narrandera, then joins the Sturt Highway.

To track down the best rates on Griffith accommodation, investigate here.

Griffith to Wagga Wagga distance and driving time

Going this way, the distance from Griffith to Wagga Wagga by car is 182km. The driving time is around two hours and six minutes, with the first leg from Griffith to Leeton.

The best places to stay in Griffith, NSW

The top Griffith accommodation options are:

The drive out of Griffith starts on Kidman Way before cutting across on Wilga Road through Kilba. This joins Irrigation Way just north of Whitton and continues on through Leeton.

Click through to the next section: Leeton wineries.