Lithgow to Bathurst drive: Distance, driving time and attractions
The Lithgow to Bathurst drive in New South Wales covers a distance of 63km, with a driving time of around 47 minutes. Road trip attractions include Marrangaroo National Park and Sunny Corner State Forest.
The drive from Lithgow to Bathurst forms the second half of a Sydney to Bathurst road trip down the Great Western Highway.
It’s a journey that takes you decisively out of Sydney’s orbit, away from the Blue Mountains and into the Central Tablelands of New South Wales.
Bathurst brings private luxury wine tours and jet fighter flights.
Lithgow to Bathurst distance and driving time
Given this sense of definite shift, the distance between the towns is relatively short. The Lithgow to Bathurst drive is 63km long, with a driving time of around 47 minutes.
Obviously, there’s no need to stop on the way with this sort of driving time. But if you’re enjoying a leisurely road trip out west, you might be tempted by a couple of attractions.
Top Lithgow accommodation choices
The best places to stay in Lithgow are:
- For the highest guest ratings: Lithgow Workies Club Motel.
- For heritage and charm: Wenvoe Historic Retreat.
- For a heated outdoor pool: Zig Zag Motel and Apartments.
Lithgow to Bathurst drive: Marrangaroo National Park
Marrangaroo National Park is just to the west of the highway as you leave Lithgow. It’s largely based around the Cox’s River as it meanders between Lake Wallace and Lake Lyell. Popular activities include kayaking on Lake Lyell, walking to the top of Mount Walker for 360 degree views and camping at Marrangaroo campground.
Further along the Lithgow to Bathurst drive comes Mount Lambie. Should you fancy for a spot of trout-fishing, the Thompsons Creek Reservoir is a good bet.
Lithgow to Bathurst drive: Golden Poplars
The section of the Lithgow to Bathurst drive near Meadows Flat is famous for its golden poplar trees. And, a little further on, the Great Western Highway skirts the Sunny Corner State Forest.
It doesn’t take too long to reach Bathurst, however. The Mitchell Highway and Mid-Western Highway connect here.
Attractions in Bathurst, meanwhile include Abercrombie House, the Bathurst Rail Museum and the Mount Panorama racing circuit. If you’re looking for Bathurst accommodation with a twist, Rydges Bathurst is right next to the race track.
More Bathurst distances and driving times
Bathurst to Canberra: Distance 253km, driving time 3h13m.
Bathurst to Cowra: Distance 106km, driving time 1h16m.
Bathurst to Dubbo: Distance 197km, driving time 2h30m. (More Dubbo driving times)
Bathurst to Mudgee: Distance 127km, driving time 1h28m.
Bathurst to Orange: Distance 57km, driving time 47m. (More Orange driving times)
Bathurst To Sydney: Distance 200km, driving time 2h30m. (More Sydney road trips)