Monkey Mia to Carnarvon road trip: Distance, drive time & stops
The Monkey Mia to Carnarvon drive is 352km in distance, with a driving time of around 3h37m. Road trip attractions worth adding to your itinerary include the Hamelin Pool stromatolites and Gladstone Scenic Lookout.
The drive from Monkey Mia to Carnarvon is a key leg of the drive up the west coast of Australia from Perth to Broome. Carnarvon provides a handy overnight stop between the major attractions of Shark Bay and the Ningaloo Reef. Many end up spending a night there on the way from Monkey Mia to Exmouth.
There is only one accommodation option at Monkey Mia. If planning to stay, you need to book in advance.
If you want to stay overnight in Carnarvon, search for the best value accommodation here.
Monkey Mia to Carnarvon distance and driving time
By car, the distance from Monkey Mia to Carnarvon is 352km. That makes for a driving time of around three hours and 37 minutes.
Most of the road trip attractions, however, come early on in the journey.
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The first section of the Monkey Mia to Carnarvon road trip is from Monkey Mia to Denham. It takes less than 20 minutes. But those with a 4WD might want to explore Francois Peron National Park on the way. Getting to Cape Peron is an adventure and Big Lagoon is strikingly colourful, although the less exciting visitor information centre at the Peron Homestead should give you a broad overview of the park.
Alternatively, go swimming at Little Lagoon, about 5km north of Denham.
Click through for the next section: Denham and Shark Bay.