Sydney to Broken Hill train: Fare costs, timetable and stops
Sydney to Broken Hill train fare costs
Fares on the Sydney to Broken Hill train cost from $99.60.
That’s for economy tickets. If you’d prefer a bit more space, then first class ticket prices start at $138.61.
Train tickets from Sydney to Broken Hill can be booked at the Transport NSW website.
Find the best Broken Hill hotel deals.
Sydney to Broken Hill train stops
The Sydney to Broken Hill train stops in Strathfield, Parramatta and Penrith before entering the Blue Mountains.
Next it moves on to Katoomba, Lithgow and Bathurst, before continuing to Blayney, Orange, Parkes and Condobolin.
From here, the Broken Hill train enters the outback, stopping at Euabalong West, Ivanhoe, Darnick and Menindee before arriving at Broken Hill.
Broken Hill experiences worth considering include a sunset outback sculpture tour. You can also hire a car in Broken Hill to explore the nearby outback.
Broken Hill accommodation picks
Australia specialist accommodation booking site Wotif offers stays in Broken Hill for from $105 a night. Check out the best deals page here.
To narrow it down a little, you should probably look at the following Broken Hill accommodation choices first.
- For families: Broken Hill Tourist Park.
- For good value on a budget: Lodge Outback Motel.
- For art deco glamour near the train station: Royal Exchange Hotel.
- For central location with a pool: Ibis Styles.
- For character: Astra Hotel.
If you found this guide useful, please consider booking your accommodation and tours through the links to Wotif and Viator below.
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