Melbourne to Bairnsdale train: Timetable, journey time and fares

Melbourne to Bairnsdale train: Timetable, journey time and fares

There are three Melbourne to Bairnsdale trains per day. The journey on the Gippsland line takes about four hours, and fares cost $39.40 one way.

The Melbourne to Bairnsdale train connects Victoria’s capital city to the main hub of the East Gippsland region. If you’re wanting to visit the Gippsland lakes without driving, this train is a solid option for getting there.

Before leaving, you may want to tick Melbourne Cricket Ground tours, Yarra River dinner cruises and cross-city hot air balloon flights off your Melbourne wish list. For a great range of Melbourne tours and experiences, explore here. To track down the best value Melbourne accommodation, come this way.

Book in advance for the best Bairnsdale accommodation deals.

The Melbourne to Bairnsdale train is run by V/Line, which runs most regional rail services in Victoria. Bairnsdale is the terminus for the Gippsland Line, although connecting coach services do continue on further east to the likes of Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers, Orbost and Marlo.

Melbourne to Bairnsdale train timetable

Frustratingly, however, the Melbourne to Bairnsdale train service is not particularly frequent. There are three trains from Melbourne to Bairnsdale every day. Currently, these depart Melbourne’s Southern Cross station at 07.17, 13.23 and 18.33. Essentially, you don’t want to miss one as the next one is at least five hours away.

These Melbourne to Bairnsdale train services arrive at 11.15, 17.20 and 22.30 respectively. Give or take a couple of minutes, and that means the rail journey to Bairnsdale from Melbourne takes four hours.

The stops on each service are slightly different, but all Melbourne to Bairnsdale trains stop at Flinders Street, Caulfield, Dandenong and Pakenham. After that, they stop at Garfield, Drouin, Warragul, Moe, Morwell and Traralgon.

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Melbourne to Bairnsdale train fares

Fares for the Melbourne to Bairnsdale train aren’t outrageously expensive. At time of writing, one way tickets cost $39.40, with concession and child tickets half that price.

For a solo traveller, the train is the cheapest way to get to Bairnsdale from Melbourne. A family of four, however, will be better off driving. The Melbourne to Bairnsdale drive isn’t all that much quicker, however – it takes around three hours and 22 minutes. The quickest drive, along the Princes Highway, follows much the same route as the Gippsland train line.

Aside from accessing the Gippsland Lakes, things to do in Bairnsdale include admiring the frescoes of St Mary’s Church and learning about local Indigenous culture at the Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place.

14 fantastic experiences that make the most of your free time in Melbourne

Streetscape of Bairnsdale in Victoria
Bairnsdale in Victoria is the regional centre for East Gippsland. Photo courtesy of Visit Victoria.

Bairnsdale accommodation options include the historic Grand Terminus Hotel and family-friendly NRMA Bairnsdale Riverside Holiday Park.

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